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Where would I be today, if I had hired a coach 3 years ago?

There is so much power in reflection!  As I was thinking about my past including my successes, my failure and my choices, I started to wonder where I would be today if I had hired a career coach.  I was really struggling at work, it wasn't a performance issue, I now realize it was a "true north" issue.  I was out of balance with my career, I had risen to the "C" level, but somewhere along the way I lost my spunk and it caused a major detour in my career.  I had always dreamed of running sales and marketing and I achieved that at a fairly young age, but working somewhere for 12 years and enduring a number of CEO changes can take a toll on a person and a company.  I thoroughly loved my team and loved the clients, but what I know now is that "love" wasn't enough.  I need to redirect my energy and find my "true north".  It took me leaving the company and leaving the rebound company to realize that my purpose and my "true north" was helping people grow and develop and helping companies engage and grow their teams.  When I really looked back ---- that is what I did!  I was helping my team develop and grow and I was helping our business develop and grow by making sure we had the right person in the right job at the right time.  I believed in investing in the professional development of employees.  So now that is what I get to do everyday.  I get to work with people who are seeking a career change, or looking for a promotion, or wanting to refine skills.  It is the best place to be!  They always say do what you love!  And I am doing what I love.

A huge thank you to all of the support from family, friends, colleagues and clients! 

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